
Human Centered Design can play a key role in a transforamtion.

Human-Centered Design Principles Can Play a Key Role in Transformation

Apr 25, 2024
By Cynthia Short What is Human-Centered Design? Human-centered design is very often narrowly thought of as being applied to a product, visual, or interface design work. But human-centered design is an …
 Staying Focused on Important Business Fundamentals

 Staying Focused on Important Business Fundamentals

Apr 11, 2024
By Damani Short  Focus on Fundamentals of Business At the start of 2022, many business leaders find themselves staring down the barrel of change. They’re dealing with challenges related to inflation, …
Team member mindset is key to a successful transformation.

4 Reasons Why Team Mindset is Important for Transformation

Apr 4, 2024
The success of any transformation comes down to execution, which is driven by teams. And the most successful transformations are executed by teams with the appropriate mindset, one that is agile and growth-oriented.
The Data-Driven Organization: Design, Characteristics and Decision-Making

The Data-Driven Organization: Design, Characteristics and Decision-Making

Jan 4, 2024
In our video series on data-driven organizations, Cynthia Short and Dan Mishich discuss how being data-driven translates to the everyday actions of an organizations, and the outcomes it delivers. They also cover data democratization and the importance of empowering teams with access to data.
The Data-Driven Organization: Defining Data-Driven

The Data-Driven Organization: Defining Data-Driven

Jan 2, 2024
Our new video series on data-driven organizations starts by discussing the huge push for businesses to be more data-driven. You hear the phrase “data-driven” everywhere, but with most organizations, it is not a buzzword – it’s a business imperative. So where do you start? Cynthia Short and Dan Mishich share their perspectives.